Saturday, May 4, 2013

Some things you just never really get over.

I was in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship for several years.  I haven't been in that relationship for almost 17 years now.  Still sometimes, things come up and put me right back where I used to be.  The person I was married to all those years ago would put me in positions to ask his family for money, or other random things.  He once was so hung over that he asked me to call his boss, who also happened to be his father, and tell him he was too sick to go into work.  I did as I was told, but I didn't lie for him.  I told his dad exactly why he had decided he was too sick to go in to work.  Score 1 for me.  Well, at least for a little while. The abuse that followed that little stunt wasn't pretty.  But let's fast forward some 16, or 17, years to present day.
I was emailing someone recently about how things were going with one of my kids.  I don't speak to this person often, for which I feel guilty about it.  It's not their fault. They just happened to get caught up in the fall out of this past abusive relationship. Anyways, I was emailing this person and happened to mention how this family member was doing and that they are working on saving some money for a procedure they need to have done.  No where in that message did I ask for a dime.  But ever since, I've been feeling very guilty for even mentioning that procedure in the email.
After I hit send all those feelings, from all those many years ago, hit me like a rock. I thought, oh crap this person is going to think I'm asking for money.  Which I was not and would not.  But I was transported back to that time where I used to be forced to, and if I didn't do as I was told there would be hell to pay.
I have even emailed that person and let them know I felt bad for mentioning that procedure to them.
Most of the time that part of my life feels like a lifetime ago and sometimes it feels like just yesterday.  To say I fear this person now would not be totally incorrect.  Part of me does but, a bigger part of me has channeled that fear into anger and is prepared for any battle that he decides to bring my way.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Anime, Cartoons, Video Games & Adults

Over the past few years I've become enlightened on some things.  Not through anybody in particular but, through experiences and my own rambling thoughts.  Have you ever wondered why so many adults are drawn to Anime or Cartoons (yes, there is a difference), or playing dungeons and dragons or magick or a number of other things that most adults would consider "teen things"?  Well,  I think I've found the answer.
Look at the world around you today compared to 10, 20, or even 30 years ago.  Inflation, soaring gas prices, husband and wives both working outside of the home and barely making it, home foreclosures, the world keeps adding a ton of stress with no chance to relax.
Everyone needs a "brain break".  Anime, cartoons, video games, role playing (i.e. dungeons and dragons, and magick),  these allow adults a much needed break from the reality of the stresses of every day life.   Granted I don't really watch Anime and I'm in way an expert of Anime or the above role playing games, I certainly understand it.  I have many friends who participate and even "cosplay".  Yes, grown adults dressing up like their favorite characters of an anime or even cartoon or super hero and just letting go of the real world for awhile.
I think we all, as adults, need to find a way to relax because the world is going to keep moving forward and getting more hectic and I don't care who runs the country our gas prices are going to continue rise no matter who is running the country.

Get out!  Do Something Fun!  Embrace your inner teen!